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Streamline Your Contributions: Mastering Issue Forms and PR Templates

· 8 min read
Ayu Adiati
Tech Blogger | Virtual Coffee Documentation and Monthly Challenge Team Lead

As an open source maintainer, one of my daily tasks is reminding contributors to complete their pull request (PR) templates or asking them to provide missing information on their issues. Although the saved replies feature on GitHub helps me a lot, it still takes me time to personalize replies based on the case. This is a challenge not only for me but also for most maintainers.

It is very important to take the time to fill out these forms and templates completely and accurately. This not only makes the process smoother and faster for everyone involved but also ensures that your contribution is given the attention and consideration it deserves, benefiting both you as a contributor and us as maintainers.

Building Bridges, Not Walls: The Importance of Documentation in Open Source Projects

· 6 min read
Ayu Adiati
Tech Blogger | Virtual Coffee Documentation and Monthly Challenge Team Lead

Have you ever been excited to use open source software or contribute to the codebase only to hit a brick wall of confusion because the instructions are unclear? It's frustrating, right?

But what if there was a way to tear down those walls and build bridges of understanding instead? That's where the documentation comes in.

The Secret Recipe to Getting Your Pull Requests Reviewed (and Merged) Faster

· 8 min read
Ayu Adiati
Tech Blogger | Virtual Coffee Documentation and Monthly Challenge Team Lead

One of the most satisfying moments as an open source project contributor is having your pull request (PR) merged into the main branch. This contribution showcases your skills, passion, and dedication to the project. However, the road to a successful PR can sometimes be bumpy and full of pitfalls.

Have you ever experienced the frustration of your PR being rejected or stuck in a never-ending review process? It can be demotivating and time-consuming, especially when you're eager to see your changes integrated into the project.

The Missing Piece: Why Your Project Needs a Maintainer Onboarding Process

· 5 min read
Ayu Adiati
Tech Blogger | Virtual Coffee Documentation and Monthly Challenge Team Lead

In the open source community, we often focus on contributor onboarding. We ensure a clear README, contributing guidelines, and a welcoming community to guide new contributors and help them get started. But what about maintainers?

Creating an OG image using React and Netlify Edge Functions

· 4 min read
Nick Taylor
AI Engineer

Open Graph (OG) images are a must if you're sharing content on the Internet. From sites like X/Twitter, to Slack or Discord, a great OG image makes your link share pop.


I recently built out a couple of OG images for Open Sauced for a couple of features we've rolled out over the past couple of months, Workspaces and Repository pages. They're great features that I encourage you to check out, and I encourage you to share them on socials so our beautiful OG images pop.

For example, here's an OG image for a workspace for jsr. JSR is the new JavaScript registry from the folks from Deno.

OG image for the OpenSauced workspace for jsr

And here's the OG image for a repository page for huggingface/transformers.

OG image for the huggingface/transformers repository

Looking at the image for the jsr workspace, there is a template for the image, but there are several dynamic portions to the image.

All the sections denoted by green outlined squares are dynamic.

OG image for the OpenSauced workspace for jsr with sections outline in green squares denoting dynamic portions of the image

This dynamic info gets pulled in for the most part from the OpenSauced API.

Other parts are pulled in from the URL, like 30 for the day range, and the description comes from the query string in the OG image URL.

browser dev tools view of the metadata section of the head with OG image URLs outlined by green squares

React to generate an image

So, how do we use React to generate an image?

We're using og_edge from my old co-worker Matt Kane (@ascorbic), but og_edge is a direct port of @vercel/og that works on Deno and Netlify Edge Functions which run on Deno.

Under the hood, og_edge and @vercel/og use the Satori library.

Satori: Enlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG.

The API for the og_edge module is pretty straightforward. It exposes an ImageResponse constructor with the following options and that's it.

{% raw %}
new ImageResponse(
element: ReactElement,
options: {
width?: number = 1200
height?: number = 630
emoji?: 'twemoji' | 'blobmoji' | 'noto' | 'openmoji' | 'fluent' | 'fluentFlat' = 'twemoji',
fonts?: {
name: string,
data: ArrayBuffer,
weight: number,
style: 'normal' | 'italic'
debug?: boolean = false

// Options that will be passed to the HTTP response
status?: number = 200
statusText?: string
headers?: Record<string, string>
{% endraw %}

Code snippet above care of the official og_edge API reference.

To build out these OG images, we have a background image, some icons, like a star and fork icon, and we also pull in the repository organization or user's avatar. With a bit of vanilla CSS, we can position things just right. We also pull in the Inter font as that's what we use at OpenSauced.

As far as I know, og_edge does not support Tailwind like @vercel/og does. Not a dealbreaker at all, but just something to be mindful of.

One other thing we do is set cache headers as these are dynamic images where the data changes over time. Having said that, some social networks cache OG images very aggressively.

{% raw %}
headers: {
// cache for 2 hours
"cache-control": "public, s-maxage=7200",
"content-type": "image/png",
{% endraw %}

Show me the code

Here's the pull requests for the initial work on these two OG images.

Wrapping up

Beautiful and dynamic OG images are a must if you're looking to stand out when sharing links on socials, and og_edge and @vercel/og are great options if you also want to leverage your existing React skill set.

Now go out and build your own OG images! 🖼️

Stay saucy peeps!

If you would like to know more about my work in open source, follow me on OpenSauced.

Meet the New AI Engineers

· 5 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Chances are, you've heard of Devin, the AI software engineer that's "going to take your job." No one will argue that AI is changing the way things are happening in tech. But now it's a little different. Now, AI isn't just helping software engineers, it's becoming an engineer - doing things that only humans used to be able to do. So has it already grown beyond a tool? Is it now a partner in the engineering process? We're seeing examples of this with Devin, Devika, and OpenDevin – all AIs claiming to be really good at software engineering. Here's the big question: can AI actually write secure code all by itself? Is the future of coding in the hands of AI?

Form and Function: How I Lost My Submit Button & Got It Back

· 4 min read
Nick Taylor
AI Engineer

As web developers, we know that most of the create, read update, and delete (CRUD) actions we perform on the web are typically (hopefully?) done using an HTML form.

HTML Forms

HTML Forms are cool because they have plenty of built-in features.

For example, they have native form validation and access to all the inputs in a form, and at some point, because you need to submit the form, there is a mechanism to do that as well. You can use a button, <button>submit</button> or an input of type submit, <input type="submit" />, although the latter isn't used as much these days in new sites, from what I've seen.

Here is a simple form to exhibit this.

If you fill out the form and click submit, the form will submit and add a paragraph with dark green text client-side that says, "Form submitted".

Submitting the simple form

There are other things in the simple form, like form validation via the required attribute on inputs, but that's not what we're here to discuss.

What we want to touch on is that the form was able to handle the submit event because it had a submit button associated with it, which was defined in HTML within the form element.

Note: you can press enter in fields to submit a form, but again, not what we're here to discuss.

How I Broke My Form

This brings us to a new feature that I was working on for OpenSauced for a few months, workspaces. I encourage you to create your own, but for now, let's get back to the business of forms.

Here's our beautiful workspaces settings page that I implemented.

an OpenSauced workspace settings page

Recently, there were styling changes, which is what you see above.

Everything looked great, and I had tested it.

Narrator: he thought he had tested it, and we shipped things to production.

Once things went live, I decided to do some smoke tests, which I usually do. I went over to the beautiful workspace settings I had worked on, made some changes in the settings, and then clicked Update Workspace button. Hmm, no toast message saying the settings were updated. I checked the browser dev tools to see if there were any JavaScript errors. Nothing related to the updates. And then it dawned on me. The submit button was outside the form, and I just broke some key functionality in the app.

Michael Scott telling everybody not to panic.

Side note, but luckily thanks to Netlify's deployment rollback feature, I was able to revert to the previous production deployment within about a minute of the workspace settings page being broken 😅

How I Fixed My Form

So how did I fix it? We needed this new styling to fix several other issues related to z-indexes and layout.

For some context, the OpenSauced application is a Next.js site, so React, but I decided to put on my old school HTML hat and remembered that form elements can be associated to a form via a form attribute. What you need to do is give the form an id attribute, and the form element that you want to associate the form to needs to have a form attribute whose value is the value of the id attribute for the form.

Here's another simple form demonstrating a simplified version of my fix.

I encourage you to remove the form attribute from the button in the above CodePen to see the issue I caused.

Here's the fix I rolled out to production.

Wrapping Up

Learning a framework is great, and I'm a big proponent of just building something, but as you continue on in your career, it's great to start getting some fundamentals into the mix.

Also, this is a perfect example of why using semantic HTML is important! It definitely helped me get out of jam! 😅

Stay saucy peeps!

If you would like to know more about my work in open source, follow me on OpenSauced.